Monday, June 17, 2013

Weird ways and days with art

My painting times are sporadic lately.  I may work on several different things off and on all day or I may not even want to touch a paintbrush for several days.  I have been struggling with intense depression that creeps up on me like a silent  dark shadow. Right now I have a grip on things. People in the art scene have been most helpful. I have even sold several different pieces and had a couple of offers  to show my work here and there.
What's weird  or odd maybe a better choice of words is that I am incapable of just working on one painting. My room contains multiple paintings in various stages of completion along with blank canvas. If I start something I also work on a couple of other pieces in a random rotation.
Most recently I was working on an 11x14 portrait to enter into a show at the Lost City Museum,while at the same working on another mini 8x10 portrait of one of my grandsons. Today I am wrapping up the cowboy portrait, and finishing another 12x12 of a boy holding a giant moth, that I started last year.
Painting on the patio last Saturday, I began laying in the background on a disgarded wooden shelf. During the week I will sketch in the dragon and then continue to paint it next Saturday. Meantime I am going to rework the mountains in a landscape, and add a flower of some sort to a painting of a hummingbird.....then I will take another look at the cowboy and see if the sky is the color I want it. This is truly painting la la land.
And then there's the stack of sketch books...
This is a detail view of the painting of Anthony, just finished.

1 comment:

alteredbee said...

Love your painting of Anthony. I also tried to join your follower list, but nothing happened when I clicked it.