Friday, August 1, 2014

Not my Thing

I had this idea for a painting of a figure coming through colored squares, or like stained glass window. As I  began working on it it seemed too plain so I added random circles. Unlike Mondrian, I do not think mathematically about the universe, plus I really have a hard time with straight lines. I prefer the freedom of loose lines. So after going back to this painting on and off for months, I have to call it finished or else ruin it. It makes me realize that thin, smooth lines done in pastel colors  are really not my thing. Van Gogh had a big influence on me when I was young...and it keeps pushing through my work demanding thick paint and wilder colors. Call me an expressionist fauve if you must.
This is an 11x14 canvas painted with oil. No medium, no varnish.
I may have to do something more to this.

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